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As part of the Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) Network project, funded by the European Union, the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), unveiled REcAP’s Website and Online Platform. The launch took place on 5 July 2023 during a virtual meeting attended by members of the REcAP Network and interested stakeholders from the target countries of the REcAP Network project.
The newly launched website is intended to serve as a comprehensive platform to showcase the REcAP project’s goals, activities, and accomplishments, facilitating transparent and timely access to relevant information., the website will play a pivotal role in raising awareness about the project, attracting potential partners and amplifying its visibility in the digital landscape.
The Online Platform, which is exclusively accessible to REcAP Network members, is specifically designed to foster the exchange of ideas, information, best practices, and knowledge. It will serve as a resource hub for research publications, early warning reports, and audiovisual recordings of various thematic work sessions.
Mrs Levinia Addae-Mensah, Deputy Executive Director of WANEP, delivered the welcome address and officially launched the website and online platform. She stated, “The website and online platform serve as interactive and knowledge management platforms and are indispensable for the effective and efficient functioning of the Network.”
Furthermore, Mrs Addae-Mensah expressed her hope that the website and online platform would further enhance Civil Society Organisations’ role in the discourse and practice of peace and security. She added that this will enhance civil society’s partnerships with States in addressing the complex emerging and contemporary threats in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin region.
The REcAP Network was officially launched in February 2023 and is expected to make significant strides in advancing peacebuilding efforts across West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin.



The REcAP Network was launched in Dakar, on 2nd February 2023 aimed at deepening stakeholders and partners understanding of the mandate of the REcAP Network for further engagements and support to enhance the implementation of its activities. In addition, the discussions during the conference contributed to the ongoing discourse on how to effectively respond to the current peace and security challenges in West Africa and the Lake Chad through a strong regional network of civil society, including regional, national and community practitioners and research institutions and experts. At the end of the conference, the REcAP Project Secretariat was able to produce a report on the proceedings from the meeting to inform the future activities of the Network.
The conference was able to achieve the following:

Presented the REcAP Network’s objectives, rationale and expected outcomes to REcAP Network members and other stakeholders including governments representatives, ECOWAS, EU, UN, and other international development partners
Officially launched the REcAP Network
Communicated officially to stakeholders and partners in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin, the establishment of the REcAP Network.
Fostered engagement between participants.
Provided an opportunity for reflection, analysis, and discussion on the state of peacebuilding, prevention of conflict and violent extremism in West Africa, the Lake Chad Basin.
Identified key priorities for the REcAP Network in terms of research and actions

The participants included the following:

 Members of the REcAP Project Consortium
Representatives from the European Union
Members of the REcAP Network – Academia, Researchers
Representatives from ECOWAS, UNOWAS, and other international bodies
The Diplomatic Corps.
Policymakers & Government Representatives.
Development Agencies & Partners