Category: Research



Studies will be undertaken on the three thematic areas of focus of the REcAP Project namely: Peacebuilding, Prevention of Conflict and Violent extremism in the 18 target countries in West Africa and Lake Chad Basin. These studies will be undertaken to deepen understanding in the targeted countries to enhance policy decision making purpures. This will also involve, conducting in-depth assessment and analyses around emerging peace and security issues and contexts, as way of enhancing peacebuilding and conflict prevention strategy.

Part of this effort also include strengthening the role for civil society, including regional, national and community practitioners and researchers in effective peacebuilding, crisis management and prevention of conflict and violent extremism in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin to enable more informed decision making by policy makers. The regional network will foster experiential learning, production of knowledge and scientific information and provide conflict-sensitive, favourable, neutral, and objective grounds for discussions, debates, and cross-learning. In addition, the regional network will promote exchanges of expertise and best practices among professionals from West Africa, the Lake Chad Basin and Europe.