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Call for Applications

Dear Everyone,
The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) are seeking Call for Applications from interested Researchers/Experts/Academic Institutions within West Africa and Lake Chad Basin to produce a Working Paper intended to influence and guide stakeholders’ efforts in promoting peace and security agenda in the 18 targeted West Africa and Lake Chad Basin of the REcAP project.

As part of this effort, the study is intended to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of existing partnerships, the level of collaboration between partners, the modalities of working relations, challenges in these relations, and how engagements can be strengthened and made more effective in preventing conflict and violent extremism in the Sahel. In essence, the REcAP project is dedicated to improving practices and policies to prevent conflict, violent extremism, and peacebuilding.

As indicated in the attached Terms of Reference in French, English, and Portuguese, the interested Researchers/Experts/Academic Institutions should send their applications by e-mail to the Project Secretariat ( Attention must be paid to the application deadline 30th September 2023, with the subject line, “WP – Multi-Stakeholders’ collaborative partnerships”.

Kindly feel free to share the Call for Applications within your respective web of professional networks and partners in West Africa and Lake Chad Basin.

Yours Sincerely

Appel à Candidatures

Chers tous,
Le Réseau Ouest Africain pour la Construction de la Paix (WANEP), l’Institut International de Recherche sur la Paix de Stockholm (SIPRI), et le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC) lancent un appel à candidatures auprès des chercheurs/experts/institutions académiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad pour produire un document de travail visant à influencer et guider les efforts des parties prenantes dans la promotion de la paix et de la sécurité dans les 18 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Bassin du Lac Tchad ciblés par le projet REcAP.

Dans le cadre de cet effort, l’étude vise à évaluer et à déterminer l’efficacité des partenariats existants, le niveau de collaboration entre les partenaires, les modalités des relations de travail, les défis dans ces relations, et la façon dont les engagements peuvent être renforcés et rendus plus efficaces dans la prévention des conflits et de l’extrémisme violent au Sahel. Par essence, le projet REcAP est dédié à l’amélioration des pratiques et des politiques de prévention des conflits, de l’extrémisme violent et de la consolidation de la paix.

Comme indiqué dans les termes de référence ci-joints en français, anglais et portugais, les chercheurs/experts/institutions académiques intéressés doivent envoyer leur candidature par e-mail au Secrétariat du projet ( La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 30 septembre 2023, avec pour objet “WP – Multi-Stakeholders’ collaborative partnerships”.

N’hésitez pas à partager l’appel à candidatures avec vos réseaux professionnels et partenaires en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le bassin du lac Tchad.


Onvite à Apresentação de Candidaturas

Caro(a) leitor(a),
A Rede da África Ocidental para a Consolidação da Paz (WANEP), o Instituto Internacional de Investigação para a Paz de Estocolmo (SIPRI) e o Conselho Dinamarquês para os Refugiados (DRC) estão a solicitar a apresentação de candidaturas de investigadores/especialistas/instituições académicas interessados da África Ocidental e da Bacia do Lago Chade para produzir um documento de trabalho destinado a influenciar e orientar os esforços das partes interessadas na promoção da agenda da paz e da segurança nos 18 países da África Ocidental e da Bacia do Lago Chade visados pelo projeto REcAP.

No âmbito deste esforço, o estudo pretende avaliar e determinar a eficácia das parcerias existentes, o nível de colaboração entre os parceiros, as modalidades das relações de trabalho, os desafios nestas relações e a forma como os compromissos podem ser reforçados e tornados mais eficazes na prevenção de conflitos e do extremismo violento no Sahel. Essencialmente, o projeto REcAP dedica-se a melhorar as práticas e as políticas de prevenção de conflitos, do extremismo violento e da construção da paz.

Tal como indicado nos Termos de Referência em anexo, em francês, inglês e português, os investigadores/especialistas/instituições académicas interessados devem enviar as suas candidaturas por correio eletrónico para o Secretariado do Projeto ( Deve ser dada atenção ao prazo de candidatura de 30 de setembro de 2023, com o assunto “WP – Multi-Stakeholders’ collaborative partnerships”.

Por favor, não hesite em partilhar o convite à apresentação de candidaturas na sua respectiva rede de redes profissionais e parceiros na África Ocidental e na Bacia do Lago Chade.

Com os melhores cumprimentos

Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt: Élaboration d’un Cadre Opérationnel

Le Réseau ouest-africain pour l’édification de la paix (WANEP), l’Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI) et le Conseil danois pour les réfugiés (DRC) recherchent des candidatures d’experts en développement organisationnel ayant une formation juridique ou d’experts juridiques ayant une formation en développement organisationnel ou d’un cabinet de conseil possédant l’expérience requise pour élaborer un le cadre opérationnel du réseau de recherche et d’action pour la paix (REcAP). Les éléments du cadre sont notamment les statuts, les règlements et d’autres documents juridiquement contraignants nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du réseau.

Call For Expression of Interest: Development of An Operational Framework

The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) are seeking applications from Organisational Development Experts with legal background/Legal Experts with Organisation development or Consulting Firm with the request background to develop Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) Network’s operational framework. The components will include its constitution, by-laws, and other legally binding documents for the effective functioning of the network.


As part of the Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) Network project, funded by the European Union, the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), unveiled REcAP’s Website and Online Platform. The launch took place on 5 July 2023 during a virtual meeting attended by members of the REcAP Network and interested stakeholders from the target countries of the REcAP Network project.   The newly launched website is intended to serve as a comprehensive platform to showcase the REcAP project’s goals, activities, and accomplishments, facilitating transparent and timely access to relevant … Read more


The REcAP Network was launched in Dakar, on 2nd February 2023 aimed at deepening stakeholders and partners understanding of the mandate of the REcAP Network for further engagements and support to enhance the implementation of its activities. In addition, the discussions during the conference contributed to the ongoing discourse on how to effectively respond to the current peace and security challenges in West Africa and the Lake Chad through a strong regional network of civil society, including regional, national and community practitioners and research institutions and experts. At the end of the conference, the REcAP Project Secretariat was able to produce a report on the proceedings from t … Read more