Working Papers

APPEL À CANDIDATURES Publication principale : Auteurs contributeurs Madrasas locales, fondations au Moyen-Orient et salafisme comme voies de radicalisation dans les États côtiers d’Afrique de l’Ouest

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures et instructions : Les candidatures doivent être reçues au plus tard le 3 Mai 2024. Toutes les candidatures doivent être soumises par voie électronique à avec pour objet “MP – Madrasas locales”.

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Conferences & Seminars

Regional Conference:- Unifying for Stability: Addressing Violent Extremism amidst Political Uncertainties in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin

The Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) Network Consortium consisting of the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), with funding from the European Union (EU) organized a two-day Regional Conference on the theme: “Unifying for Stability: Addressing Violent Extremism amidst Political Uncertainties in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin”.

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Policy Briefs

Limiter les Conflits Armés Dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad En Renforçant la Coopération Régionale Sur le Changement Climatique et la Gestion des Ressources Naturelles

La région du bassin du lac Tchad (BLT) est actuellement confrontée à une situation sécuritaire délicate. Dans les zones les plus touchées du Nord-Est du Nigeria, de la région de l’Extréme-Nord du Cameroun, de l’Ouest du Tchad et du Sud-Est du Niger, un lien dangereux entre le changement climatique et les conflits est

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Policy Briefs

Limitar os Conflitos Armados na Bacia do Lago Chade Através do Reforço da Cooperação Regional em Matéria de Alterações Climáticas e de Gestão dos Recursos Naturais

Atualmente, a regiáo da bacia do Lago Chade (BLC) enfrenta uma situa..o de segurança delicada. Nas zonas mais afetadas do nordeste da Nigéria, extremo norte dos Camaróes, oeste do Chade e sudeste do Niger, tornou-se evidente

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Working Papers

Call for Application

Gaps and needs in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, early warning, and mediation mechanisms and structures in Ghana and its border areas

Application Deadline and Instructions: Applications must be received by February 4, 2024. All applications must be submitted electronically to with “WP – Ghana” in the subject line.


Read more here

Policy Briefs

Mitigating Armed Conflict in The Lake Chad Basin Through Strengthening Regional Cooperation on Climate Change and Natural Resource Management

At present, the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) region faces a tortuous security situation. Across the worst-affected areas of northeastern Nigeria, Cameroon’s Far North, western Chad, and southeastern Niger, a dangerous nexus between climate change and conflict has become evident. In Cameroon in 2021, for example, climate-related water shortages due to low rainfall and high precipitation rates provoked tensions between fishing, farming, and livestock communities, with competition over scarce resources (water and pasture) leading to escalating violence.

Read more here



About The Author

Francis Tazoacha –

Peace and Security Analyst

Director of Peace and Security Division Nkafu Policy Institute


REcAP Network Members Convene Regional Conference to Tackle Violent Extremism

Accra, Ghana – 5 December 2023: The Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) Network Consortium, comprising the West Africa
Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
(SIPRI), and with funding from the European Union (EU), convened experts from the REcAP Network specialised in peacebuilding,
conflict prevention and violent extremism, as well as representatives from international, regional, and national institutions for
a two day regional conference in Accra. The conference, themed “Unifying for Stability: Addressing Violent Extremism amidst Political
Uncertainties in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin”, sought to provide opportunity and space for exchanges on innovative
ideas and best practices to influence regional and national policy decision-making in the face of weakening counter-terrorism
mechanisms and responses to conflicts and violent extremism in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin.


During the opening session, Mrs. Levinia Addae-Mensah, WANEP’s Deputy Executive Director, delivered the welcome address in which
she emphasised the conference’s objective of fostering collaborative brainstorming, sharing expert knowledge, and discussing best
practices to collectively respond to violent extremism. Mrs. Addae-Mensah also highlighted the challenges in implementing existing
counterterrorism mechanisms and efforts in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin, urging participants to pool their expertise for
effective solutions.


Building on this momentum, Mr. Luc Van de Goor, Director of Studies, Conflict, Peace, and Security at SIPRI, provided an opening
statement on behalf of his institution. Mr. Van de Goor reflected on the progress made since the launch of the RECAP network in
Dakar, Senegal, earlier in the year. He also stressed the importance of a holistic, evidence-based approach in understanding and
addressing security challenges. Mr. Van de Goor emphasised that the ensuing discussions would delve into the complexities contributing
to the rise of violent extremism, seeking viable solutions to ensure lasting stability.


Highlighting the collaborative imperative, Mr. Romain Sztark, Head of Multi-Country Operations at DRC, reminded that the escalating
violence being experienced in the various countries is causing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. He underscored the importance
of bringing together collective know-how, tools, and perspectives on emergencies to propose responses that are both adaptable and
sustainable. He highlighted that, as experts, all Network members have a role to play alongside regional institutions making
considerable efforts to restore peace.


Ms. Anna Lixi, First Counsellor and Head of Sector Governance and Security at the European Union Delegation to Ghana, highlighted the
conference’s unique opportunity for engagement on security and violent extremism and laid emphasis on complementarity with other
initiatives being funded by the European Union in Ghana.


The keynote address was delivered by His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, African Union High Representative of Silencing the
Guns and former Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the
Sahel. H.E. Dr. Chambas commended the organisers for their timely initiative in light of contemporary and emerging peace and security
dynamics in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin. His address provided an insightful overview of the socio-political and security
context in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin. He shared international and regional efforts underway to curb the menace and concluded
with concrete recommendations that resonated with the conference participants and other actors who graced the opening session.


The two-day conference was attended by participants drawn from various countries in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin as well as
from civil society organisations in Europe. Representatives of key continental, regional and sub-regional peace, and security
institutions, namely UNOWAS, MNJTF, the Accra Initiative, and the AU/African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism
(ACSRT) also participated in the conference and delivered goodwill messages during the opening session. At the end of this session,
Consortium partners extended their deepest gratitude to the keynote speaker for his long-standing dedication and contribution to
peace and security in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin. Appreciation was also expressed to the REcAP Network members for their
commitment. They were additionally implored to continue actively engaging in influencing the implementation of emerging recommendations
and corresponding actions resulting from the Regional Conference.

Community Dialogues

Community Dialogue in Bongo-Soe Sparks Hope for Peaceful Coexistence and Social Cohesion

Bongo-Soe, Northern Ghana – 7 September 2023: The REcAP consortium comprising WANEP (West Africa Network for Peacebuilding),
DRC (Danish Refugee Council), and SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), with funding from the European Union
organised a community dialogue on 7 September 2023. The aim was to foster social cohesion and peaceful coexistence in the Bongo-Soe community.
This dialogue brought together 15 participants from Community-Based Institutions, including traditional and religious authorities,
local peace structures, representatives of Civil Society Organisations, women and youth groups, as well as members of the REcAP Network.

Bongo-Soe, a community nestled in the Bongo district of the Upper East Region of Ghana is situated on the border with Burkina Faso.
Its proximity
to this border has made it vulnerable to the specter of violent extremism. The district is also home to a diverse population from
different ethnic backgrounds, including the Fulbe (Fulani) ethnic group, with intermittent transhumance activities that often trigger
conflicts between farmers and herders. While the community has historically been peaceful, there are underlying issues that have
hindered harmonious coexistence and social cohesion.

Apart from the farmer-herder conflicts, there are other prominent issues affecting the community, causing strained relations between
the Paramount Chief of the Bongo traditional area and the Divisional Chief of Bongo-Soe. The discord has led to divisions within the
community, particularly between the Fulbe Chief and his followers and the Paramount Chief and the local Chief.

Deep-seated social, cultural, and historical factors have alienated the local Chief and some of the indigenous people within their
own community. This estrangement is marked by a lack of effective channels of communication or dialogue to address mistrust and
cross-ethnic grievances. The absence of mechanisms for addressing grievances, punctuated by mutual accusations and counter-accusations,
culminated in reprisal attacks on the Fulbe communities following the alleged rape of a native woman by a Fulbe member.
This retaliatory violence resulted in the arrest of 11 natives by the Ghana Police Service. In the wake of the attacks, a
section of community leaders held a press conference, urging authorities to remove the Fulbe from the Soe community.
The Upper East Regional Peace Council intervened to mediate the conflict, but the concerns raised by both parties remained unresolved.

As part of the dialogue, the REcAP team conducted preliminary engagements with the community stakeholders to deepen understanding of the
pertinent issues and to facilitate productive discussions during the dialogue session.

The dialogue session in Bongo-Soe has been regarded by participants as timely intervention to help address some of the long-standing drivers
of conflict in the community. It created a safe space to engage key community stakeholders to finding common solutions to the identified issues
and challenges. It also provided an opportunity to deeply analyse the origins and dynamics of the conflicts, enhancing understanding of some
of factors and triggers of conflict that could disrupt social cohesion and peaceful coexistence in the community. The key issues affecting
social cohesion, types of conflicts and conflict drivers were documented for the purpose of evidence-based advocacy at national and regional
levels. Participants arrived at priority actions, as well as the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in addressing common
concerns and challenges. They reached a consensus on post-dialogue plans to implement these priority actions.

During the event, Mrs. Levinia Addae-Mensah, Deputy Executive Director of WANEP, underscored the core mission of REcAP, which is to complement
existing peacebuilding endeavours in Bongo-Soe. This is achieved through the documentation of the community members’ experiences, encompassing
both challenges and opportunities. This documentation serves as a vital foundation for identifying enduring solutions to the prevailing issues.

Additionally, Mr. Ali Anankpieng, Executive Secretary of the Upper East Regional Peace Council, shared a perspective that resonates strongly with
the collective spirit of the event. He emphasised that in the relentless pursuit of peace, there are no bounds to what can be achieved,
and greater involvement of stakeholders strengthens the collective resolve for success.

As the community takes these crucial steps towards reconciliation and sustainable peace, there is hope that the collaborative efforts of
the various stakeholders will pave the way for a more harmonious future in Bongo-Soe, where all residents can coexist peacefully and thrive

Working Papers

Onvite à Apresentação de Candidaturas

Caro(a) leitor(a),
A Rede da África Ocidental para a Consolidação da Paz (WANEP), o Instituto Internacional de Investigação para a Paz de Estocolmo (SIPRI) e o Conselho Dinamarquês para os Refugiados (DRC) estão a solicitar a apresentação de candidaturas de investigadores/especialistas/instituições académicas interessados da África Ocidental e da Bacia do Lago Chade para produzir um documento de trabalho destinado a influenciar e orientar os esforços das partes interessadas na promoção da agenda da paz e da segurança nos 18 países da África Ocidental e da Bacia do Lago Chade visados pelo projeto REcAP.

No âmbito deste esforço, o estudo pretende avaliar e determinar a eficácia das parcerias existentes, o nível de colaboração entre os parceiros, as modalidades das relações de trabalho, os desafios nestas relações e a forma como os compromissos podem ser reforçados e tornados mais eficazes na prevenção de conflitos e do extremismo violento no Sahel. Essencialmente, o projeto REcAP dedica-se a melhorar as práticas e as políticas de prevenção de conflitos, do extremismo violento e da construção da paz.

Tal como indicado nos Termos de Referência em anexo, em francês, inglês e português, os investigadores/especialistas/instituições académicas interessados devem enviar as suas candidaturas por correio eletrónico para o Secretariado do Projeto ( Deve ser dada atenção ao prazo de candidatura de 30 de setembro de 2023, com o assunto “WP – Multi-Stakeholders’ collaborative partnerships”.

Por favor, não hesite em partilhar o convite à apresentação de candidaturas na sua respectiva rede de redes profissionais e parceiros na África Ocidental e na Bacia do Lago Chade.

Com os melhores cumprimentos

Working Papers

Appel à Candidatures

Chers tous,
Le Réseau Ouest Africain pour la Construction de la Paix (WANEP), l’Institut International de Recherche sur la Paix de Stockholm (SIPRI), et le Conseil Danois pour les Réfugiés (DRC) lancent un appel à candidatures auprès des chercheurs/experts/institutions académiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad pour produire un document de travail visant à influencer et guider les efforts des parties prenantes dans la promotion de la paix et de la sécurité dans les 18 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Bassin du Lac Tchad ciblés par le projet REcAP.

Dans le cadre de cet effort, l’étude vise à évaluer et à déterminer l’efficacité des partenariats existants, le niveau de collaboration entre les partenaires, les modalités des relations de travail, les défis dans ces relations, et la façon dont les engagements peuvent être renforcés et rendus plus efficaces dans la prévention des conflits et de l’extrémisme violent au Sahel. Par essence, le projet REcAP est dédié à l’amélioration des pratiques et des politiques de prévention des conflits, de l’extrémisme violent et de la consolidation de la paix.

Comme indiqué dans les termes de référence ci-joints en français, anglais et portugais, les chercheurs/experts/institutions académiques intéressés doivent envoyer leur candidature par e-mail au Secrétariat du projet ( La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 30 septembre 2023, avec pour objet “WP – Multi-Stakeholders’ collaborative partnerships”.

N’hésitez pas à partager l’appel à candidatures avec vos réseaux professionnels et partenaires en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le bassin du lac Tchad.
