
Curbing the threat of Violent Extremism: Lessons learned from PVE in Mauritania.

The Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) project, funded by the European Union, is implemented by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in 18 countries of West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin1. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the role of civil society, including regional, national, and community practitioners and researchers, in the promotion of effective peacebuilding, crisis management, and prevention of conflict and violent extremism in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin to enable more informed decision making by policymakers. The present call is administrated jointly by WANEP, SIPRI, and DRC.

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Réduire la menace de l’extrémisme violent : Leçons tirées de la stragégie de prévention de l’extremisme violent en Mauritanie.

Le projet REcAP (Research and Action for Peace), financé par l’Union européenne, est mis en oeuvre par le Réseau Ouest-Africain pour l’Édification de la Paix (WANEP), le Conseil danois pour les réfugiés (DRC) et l’Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI) dans 18 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du bassin du lac Tchad1 . L’objectif global du projet est de renforcer le rôle de la société civile, y compris les praticiens et les chercheurs régionaux, nationaux et communautaires, dans la promotion d’une consolidation de la paix efficace, la gestion des crises et la prévention des conflits et de l’extrémisme violent en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le bassin du lac Tchad, afin de permettre aux décideurs politiques de prendre des décisions plus éclairées. Le présent appel est administré conjointement par WANEP, SIPRI et DRC.

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Promoting dialogue and a culture of peace in Guinea-Bissau: good practices and lessons learned from Kumpuduris di Paz Groups

The Research and Action for Peace (REcAP) project, funded by the European Union, is implemented by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in 18 countries of West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin1. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the role of civil society, including regional, national, and community practitioners and researchers, in the promotion of effective peacebuilding, crisis management, and prevention of conflict and violent extremism in West Africa and the Lake Chad Basin to enable more informed decision making by policymakers. The present call is administrated jointly by WANEP, SIPRI, and DRC.

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Promouvoir le dialogue et une culture de la paix en Guinée-Bissau : bonnes pratiques et enseignements tirés des groupes Kumpuduris di Paz

Le projet REcAP (Research and Action for Peace), financé par l’Union européenne, est mis en oeuvre par le Réseau Ouest-Africain pour l’Édification de la Paix (WANEP), le Conseil danois pour les réfugiés (DRC) et l’Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI) dans 18 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du bassin du lac Tchad1 . L’objectif global du projet est de renforcer le rôle de la société civile, y compris les praticiens et les chercheurs régionaux, nationaux et communautaires, dans la promotion d’une consolidation de la paix efficace, la gestion des crises et la prévention des conflits et de l’extrémisme violent en Afrique de l’Ouest et dans le bassin du lac Tchad, afin de permettre aux décideurs politiques de prendre des décisions plus éclairées. Le présent appel est administré conjointement par WANEP, SIPRI et DRC.

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Working Papers

Working Papers:- Gaps and Needs in Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding, Early Warning and Mediation Mechanisms and Structures in Ghana and Its Border Areas

State structures for peace and conflict prevention, as well as for managing peace and resolving ethnic, political and religious differences, have helped to maintain peace and stability in Ghana (UNDP, 2022). One of these structures is the National Peace Council (NPC), with structures at the regional (Regional Peace Councils) and district (District Peace Advisory Councils) levels (Home-National Peace Council, Ghana, 2024).


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The Consortium partners of the Research and Action for Peace Network (REcAP) project are soliciting proposals from certified Consultancy Firms/Independent Consultants to conduct a Mid-Term Evaluation of the REcAP Project aimed at reviewing the project performance using the OECD/DAC criteria (relevance, consistency, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability), and also in line with the DAC Evaluation Quality Standards.


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Les partenaires du consortium du projet Réseau de recherche et d’action pour la paix (REcAP) sollicitent des propositions de la part de cabinets de conseil certifiés/consultants indépendants pour réaliser une évaluation à mi-parcours du projet REcAP. Celle-ci vise à examiner les performances du projet en se référant aux critères OCDE/DAC (pertinence, cohérence, efficacité, efficience, impact et durabilité), et également en conformité avec les DAC Evaluation Quality Standards.


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Working Papers

Combate à criminalidade transfronteiriça no eixo Sokoto-Zamfara-Katsina da fronteira Nigéria-Níger através do reforço da parceria e da colaboraçao entre as partes interessadas

O documento de trabalho analisa os crimes transfronteiriços no eixo Sokoto-Zamfara-Katsina da fronteira entre a Nigéria e o Níger. Este território fronteiriço em particular constitui um microcosmo dos desafios multifacetados associados aos crimes transfronteiriços, proporcionando uma visão inestimável dos problemas mais amplos com que a região do Sahel se confronta ao abordar tais atividades, tanto a nível regional como internacional.


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Community Dialogues

Gunjur Hosts Capacity Building Workshop on Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention, and Violent Extremism

From 23 to 25 May 2024, the REcAP Network, organised a three-day capacity building workshop at Dalaba Eco-lodge in Gunjur, The Gambia. Funded by the European Union, the workshop aimed to enhance participants’ knowledge on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, and violent extremism. The key objectives were to identify peace and security concerns in Gunjur and surrounding communities, equip civil society organisations with relevant information on conflict management, and promote coexistence in communities, organisations, and workplaces.

Participants included civil society organisation (CSO) members, local government officials, traditional leaders, religious leaders, women, persons with disabilities, youth leaders, and academics. The workshop employed a participant-centred approach, encouraging inclusive and effective discussions.

Over the course of three days, participants engaged in technical presentations, question-and-answer sessions, role plays, and case studies. Presentations covered concepts of peace, violence, and conflict, exploring peace and security challenges faced by CSOs and CBOs in Gunjur. Key challenges identified included land disputes, sand mining, youth unemployment, depletion of natural resources, drug misuse and trafficking, inadequate land policies, and slow implementation of laws.

Participants also examined conflict sensitivity, conflict mapping, dialogue, communication, and negotiation. Group discussions and brainstorming sessions provided insights into conflict manifestations and peacebuilding processes. The workshop covered conflict resolution mechanisms, negotiation and mediation concepts, and indigenous conflict resolution methods, allowing participants to identify conflicts and propose solutions.

The workshop concluded with recommendations for follow-up exercises to sustain the momentum. The capacity building workshop in Gunjur is a significant step towards equipping local leaders and organisations with the tools needed for effective peacebuilding and conflict prevention.